When troubleshooting has failed to provide a solution to your problem, it's time to contact our support team. We'll need the following information: Your public IP address at the time you were testing (when in doubt, google "what is my ip" to get this) One or more specific call records fo...
Outbound calls are the most basic call flow, and is a great place to start when testing. If your T.38 implementation (or SIP network) allows you the ability to record the audio of an outgoing call, please capture and listen to that, and check for recorded messages that your fax software might not be hearing. I...
Packet captures are a way of dumping your device's network traffic for engineer review. If you've been asked to provide us with a packet capture, don't despair ... we're only expecting you to collect it, you don't have to do any of the analysis part! Collecting a packet capture from a Windows ...
All cause codes appear due to zero-second calls: calls that are never fully established. Some of these codes are more serious than others. If it seems like you're having issues on calls that don't have a cause code associated with them, that's possible, specially if you're having trouble with calls ...
Shortly after porting in a number, you may encounter an issue in which some calls correctly come into the gaining carrier while others still incorrectly come in to the losing carrier. This issue most commonly indicates a partial port, specifically when the losing carrier still has some work to do to complete the po...