Follow the steps below to configure Solgenia Facsys to use

1. Open the "Brooktrout Configuration Tool" wizard and click "Advanced Mode."

2. In Advanced Mode, select the "SIP" node under "IP Call Control Modules" and then navigate to "IP Parameters" tab in the right pane.

3. Input the following values in the fields below:

  • Primary Proxy Server:
  • Primary Registrar Server URL:
  • From Value: sip:[email protected]

=== Substitute YOUR_DID with your DID ===


4. Click "Show Advanced >>" to show the remaining settings and then input the values below:

  • Primary Registrar Server Address of Record: [email protected]
  • Primary Registrar Server Username: YOUR_DID
  • Primary Registrar Server Password: PASSWORD
=== Substitute YOUR_DID & PASSWORD with your SIP Credentials ===


5. Navigate to T.38 Parameters tab in the right pane and set the following:
  • Fax Transporting Protocol: T.38 only
  • Maximum Bit Rate: 14400
  • Media Passthrough Timeout Inbound: 1000
  • Media Passthrough Timeout Outbound: 15000
  • Media Renegotiate Delay Inbound: 1000
  • Media Renegotiate Delay Outbound: -1
  • T30 Fast Notify: No
  • UDPTL Redundancy Depth Control: 5
  • UDPTL Redundancy Depth Image: 2

6. Exit the Brooktrout Configuration Tool saving your changes.



Afterwards start the Solgenia Facsys service.

More details on how to configure the Dialogic SR140 can be found at the URL below:'ll want to focus on the "Configuring SIP Call Control with a Proxy Server" area of the guide to configure "Dynamic routing by a Proxy server" with your account.

NOTE: SIP Registrar Setup is required with your account credentials.