If you are considering activating Power-T.38 service, we strongly recommend you take advantage of our no-risk, no-commitment free trial.

Sign up online at your convenience, and your account will be instantly provisioned with a temporary local phone number (you’ll be able to select a different number later). Configure your T.38 device with the credentials provided, and you should be up and running in no time. We’re invested in your success, and if you encounter any problems our Tech Support Ninjas are standing by to exceed your expectations with unlimited free technical support.

For a limited time, our free trial also comes with a generous promotional calling credit of $25. This should be more than adequate to cover all the test calls you might need to make, with room to spare!  Activate your Power-T.38 account within the 30 day trial period and we’ll also apply any unused credit to your new account.

If you’ve completed the evaluation and would like to go ahead and get your service activated, or to discuss becoming a Power-T.38 customer right away, please contact our Sales Team.